The school provides opportunities for students to explore and develop their particular talents. Programs in English and Mathematics are designed to enrich very capable students and allow flexible progression to meet their needs of all students.
Units of Work provide scope for highly capable students to research broadly and deepen their knowledge of their world, its society, environment and science. In addition, the school provides a range of programs to cater for the development of students’ thinking, creative and sporting talents.
While teachers identify and encourage students with particular talents to participate in these programs, most activities are open to all students.
Enrichment Opportunities
- Philosophy
- Premiers Debating Challenge
- Premier’s Spelling Bee
- Music ensembles – Choirs, Orchestra, Band and String Programs
- Performing Arts Festivals – Choral, Instrumental and Band Performances and Competitions
- Aerobics Sport competition
- Round Robin Sports Competitions – Cricket, Softball, Soccer, Oztag and Netball
- Tournament of the Minds
- English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Computer Competitions
- In-class extension groups in literacy and numeracy