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Leichhardt Public School

Leichhardt Public School

Telephone02 9569 4141


Our history

Leichhardt Public School has had a long and distinguished history dating back to 1862 and in 2012 we celebrated its sesquicentenary. In the past 150 years the school has experienced significant fluctuations in enrolments and changes in demographic. The 1920’s saw enrolments peak at 2,250 students whilst the school was relatively small for some parts of the 1990s. The community diversified in the second half on the twentieth century and the school now benefits from a rich cultural heritage.

Leichhardt Public School continues to offer high quality educational programs in a safe, caring environment where students are supported to achieve their individual potential while learning to participate as part of a community. Its historic buildings and leafy playground provide an inviting backdrop for the many and varied programs the school offers.

We are very proud of our school, the staff, the students and the families who make up the LPS school community and the great foundation the school lays down in the lives of our students. We hope that all students will look back with pride on their school days at Leichhardt Public School, in the knowledge that these days were among their happiest and most fulfilling and that our staff and parents will always view their time at LPS as both rewarding and enjoyable.

A comprehensive report on the school’s history was  compiled by staff member and former parent, Vicki Flaherty and parent, Tania Savage, to recognise  our 150th birthday.

Read more about our school’s history in the online magazine.