There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for.
Costs to consider include:
school books and equipment
- co-curricular activities.
Activity Statements
Each term Leichhardt Public School will issue an Activity Statement that outlines the cost of special events and programs for that term. This statement is accompanied by a consent form for each activity. This form is signed and returned with the payment.
This payment also includes provision for payment of a voluntary school contribution which is an important source of income for the school. The contribution is $100 per student or two installments of $50.
Payments can be made by cash, cheque - payable to Leichhardt Public School, EFTPOS or online.
Note: Throughout the year we may be offered opportunities to participate in other programs or activities that are yet to be planned. If these activities occur after the Activity Statement has been issued for the term, they will be included on the next term’s activity statement.
Should parents need support in making payments they should contact the Principal. We can assure parents and guardians that all requests for support will remain confidential.
Voluntary school contributions
Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational and sporting programs including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.
For more information, visit the Voluntary School Contribution policy.
Annual school contributions
The school has a voluntary school contribution scheme. The money raised from this scheme helps the school purchase those extra resources it wouldn’t normally be able to have – it may be used to update IT hardware, or to buy sports equipment or library books. The contribution is set at $80 per child per year.
The school greatly appreciates your support in paying this contribution.
Other Payments
Other payments may include ‘one off’ events such as school camp, school picnic and ICAS competitions.
Make Online Payments
It is now possible for parents to make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via a secure payment page hosted by Westpac. Payments can be made using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. Items that can be paid include activity statements, school camps and sports events. Go to the Pay Online page for more information.
Financial assistance
If you are unable to pay school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.
Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.